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What’s on the horizon for community-based conservation? Emerging threats and opportunities
Nafeesa Esmail, Jana M. McPherson, Latoya Abulu, Thora Amend, Ronit Amit, Saloni Bhatia, Dominique Bikaba , Typhenn A. Brichieri-Colombi, Jessica Brown, Victoria Buschman , Michael Fabinyi, Mohammad Farhadinia, Razieh Ghayoumi, Terence Hay-Edie, Vera Horigue, Vainuupo Jungblut, Stacy Jupiter, Aidan Keane, David W. Macdonald, Shauna L. Mahajan, Andrew McVey, Axel Moehrenschlager, Fred Nelson, Meher Noshirwani, Yaa Ntiamoa-Baidu, Jose Luis Postigo, Vatosoa Rakotondrazafy, Madhu Rao, Dilys Roe, José Antonio Sierra Huelsz, Sue Stolton, Alifereti Tawake, Bonnie Wintle
community conservation, community-based conservation, horizon scan, community-led conservation, biodiversity, livelihoods, rights, threatened species
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
A framework to identify priority wetland habitats and movement corridors for urban amphibian conservation
Tracy S. Lee, Lea A. Randall, Nicole L. Kahal, Holly L. Kinas, Vanessa A. Carney, Heather Rudd, Tyne M. Baker, Ken Sanderson, Irena F. Creed, Axel Moehrenschlager, Danah Duke
When ecological analysis reveals hidden human dimensions: building on long-term community participation to enable a conservation translocation of mountain bongo in Kenya
mountain bongo, poaching, camera trapping, local communities
Frontiers in Conservation Science
Genetic management on the brink of extinction: sequencing microsatellites does not improve estimates of inbreeding in wild and captive Vancouver Island marmots (Marmota vancouverensis)
Barrett, K.G., Amaral, G., Elphinstone, M., McAdie, M.L., Davis, C.S., Janes, J. K., Carnio, J., Moehrenschlager, A., Gorrell, J.C.
Vancouver Island marmots, captive-breeding, conservation translocation, genetic diversity
Conservation Genetics
Loss of predator discrimination by critically endangered Vancouver Island marmots within five generations of breeding for release
Dixon-MacCallum, G.P., Rich, J.L., Lloyd, N., Blumstein, D.T., Moehrenschlager, A.
Vancouver Island marmots, anti-predator, conservation translocation, behaviour
Frontiers in Conservation Science
Assisted colonization risk assessment—Response
Jedediah F. Brodie, Susan Lieberman, Axel Moehrenschlager, Kent H. Redford, Jon Paul Rodríguez, Mark Schwartz, Philip J. Seddon, James E. M. Watson
response, assisted colonization
Global policy for assisted colonization of species
Jedediah F. Brodie, Susan Lieberman, Axel Moehrenschlager, Kent H. Redford, Jon Paul Rodríguez, Mark Schwartz, Philip J. Seddon, James E. M. Watson
assisted colonization, conservation
Life on the edge: habitat fragmentation limits expansion of a restored carnivore
A.R. Bultler, K.L.S. Bly, R.M. Inman, A. Moehrenschlager, D. Schwalm, D.S. Jachowski
swift fox, conservation translocation, demographics, habitat fragmentation
Animal Conservation
Multiple life-stage inbreeding depression impacts demography and extinction risk in an extinct-in-the-wild species
A. E. Trask, G. M. Ferrie, J. Wang, S. Newland, S. Canessa, A. Moehrenschlager, M. Laut, L. Barnhart Duenas & J. G. Ewen
Enzootic maintenance of sylvatic plague in Canada’s threatened black-tailed prairie dog ecosystem
Stefano Liccioli, Tara Stephens, Sian C. Wilson, Jana M. McPherson , Laura M. Keating , Kym S. Antonation, Trent K. Bollinger, Cindi R. Corbett, David L. Gummer, L. Robbin Lindsay, Terry D. Galloway, Todd K. Shury, and Axel Moehrenschlager
black-tailed prairie dog, health, grasslands
Home range size and resource use by swift foxes in northeastern Montana
Andrew R. Butler, Kristy L.S. Bly, Heather Harris, Robert M. Inman, Axel Moehrenschlager, Donelle Schwalm, and David S. Jachowski
swift fox, conservation translocation, grasslands
Journal of Mammalogy
Extinct-in-the-wild species’ last stand
Trask, A., Canessa, S., Moehrenschlager, A., Newland, S., Laut, M., Medina, S., Ewen, J.
Genetics of a reintroduced swift fox population highlights the need for integrated conservation between neighbouring countries
Cullingham, C. and A. Moehrenschlager
swift fox, reintroduction, dispersal, conservation genetics
Animal Conservation
The search for novelty continues for rewilding
Matt W. Hayward, David Jachowski, Cassandra K. Bugir, John Clulow, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Andrea S. Griffin, Anita C. Chalmers, John D. C. Linnell, Robert A. Montgomery, Michael J. Somers, Rafał Kowalczyk, Marco Heurich, Anthony Caravagg, Kelly A. Marnewick, Yamil Di Blanco, Craig M. Shuttleworth, Alex Callen, Florian Weise, Robert Scanlon, Axel Moehrenschlager, Lachlan G. Howell, Rose M. O. Upton
Biological Conservation
Consequences Matter: Compassion in Conservation Means Caring for Individuals, Populations and Species
Paul J. Johnson, Vanessa M. Adams, Doug P. Armstrong, Sandra E. Baker, Duan Biggs, Luigi Boitani, Alayne Cotterill, Emma Dale, Holly O’Donnell, David J. T. Douglas, Egil Droge, John G. Ewen, Ruth E. Feber, Piero Genovesi, Clive Hambler, Bart J. Harmsen, Lauren A. Harrington, Amy Hinks, Joelene Hughes, Lydia Katsis, Andrew Loveridge, Axel Moehrenschlager, Christopher O’Kane, Meshach Pierre, Steve Redpath, Lovemore Sibanda, Pritpal Soorae, Mark Stanley Price, Peter Tyrrell, Alexandra Zimmermann, Amy Dickman
ethics, compassion, consequentialism, virtue
A call for structured decision making in conservation programs considering wild egg collection
Edwards, HA, Bidwell MT, Moehrenschlager A
whooping crane, egg collection, source population
Biological Conservation
Winter movement behavior by swift foxes (Vulpes velox) at the northern edge of their range
Butler, Andrew R., Bly, Kristy L.S., Harris, Heather, Inman, Robert M., Moehrenschlager, Axel, Schwalm, Donelle , and Jachowski, David S.
swift fox, behavioural state, movement patterns, winter
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Future directions to escalate benefits of the stepping‐stone approach for conservation translocations
Lloyd, NA, Hostetter, NJ, Jackson, CL, Converse, SJ, Moehrenschlager, A.
response, Vancouver Island marmot, release strategy
Animal Conservation
Optimizing release strategies: a stepping-stone approach to reintroduction
Lloyd, NA, Hostetter, NJ, Jackson, CL, Converse, SJ, Moehrenschlager, A.
Vancouver Island marmot, release strategy, translocations, reintroductions
Animal Conservation
Limited contributions of released animals from zoos to North American conservation translocations
Brichieri-Colombi, TA, Lloyd, NA, McPherson, JM, Moehrenschlager, A.
aquaria, Centra America, Caribbean, ex situ populations, reintroductions, zoos
Conservation Biology
Reintroducing rewilding to restoration – Rejecting the search for novelty.
Matt W. Hayward, Robert J. Scanlon, Alexandra Callen, Lachlan G. Howell, Kaya L. Klop-Toker, Yamil Di Blanco, Niko Balkenhol, Cassandra K. Bugir, Lachlan Campbell, Anthony Caravaggi, Anita C. Chalmers, John Clulow, Simon Clulow, Paul Cross, John A. Gould, Andrea S. Griffin, Marco Heurich, Belinda K. Howe, David S. Jachowski, Yadvendradev V. Jhala, Ramesh Krishnamurthy, Rafał Kowalczyk, Dean J. Lenga, John D.C. Linnell, Kelly A. Marnewick, Axel Moehrenschlager, Robert A. Montgomery, Liudmila Osipova, Chloe Peneaux, John C. Rodgers, Lilian P. Sales Rebecca G.Y. Seeto, Craig M. Shuttleworth Michael J. Somers, Cottrell T. Tamessar Rose M.O. Upton, Florian J. Weise
rewilding, pleistocene, island, restoration, ecological equivalent species
Biological Conservation
Optimizing the use of endangered species in multi-population collection, captive breeding and release programs
J.A. Heinrichs, D.T. McKinnon, C.L. Aldridge, A. Moehrenschlager
captive breeding, conservation translocation, greater sage-grouse, individual-based model
Global Ecology and Conservation
Projecting further increases in conservation translocations: a Canadian case study
Swan, K.D., Lloyd, N.A., Moehrenschlager, A.
Species at Risk Act, COSEWIC, species recovery, reintroduction
Biological Conservation
Standardizing the evaluation of community-based conservation success
Brichieri-Colombi, TA, McPherson, JM, Sheppard, DJ, Mason, J, Moehrenschlager, A.
Climate change impacts on the conservation outlook of populations on the poleward periphery of species ranges: A case study of Canadian black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus)
Stephens, T., S. C. Wilson, F. Cassidy, D. Bender, D. Gummer, D. H. V. Smith, N. Lloyd, J. M. McPherson and A. Moehrenschlager.
rewilding, ressurection biology, conservation introduction, species restoration
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Temporal analysis of genetic structure to assess population dynamics of reintroduced swift foxes
Cullingham, C. and A. Moehrenschlager
swift fox, genetic analysis, connectivity
Conservation Biology
Conflicting and complementary ethics of animal welfare considerations in reintroductions
Harrington, L.A., Moehrenschlager, A., Gelling, M., Hughes, J., Atkinson, R., and D.W. Macdonald
ethics, animal welfare, reintroductions
Conservation Biology
Food limitation at species range limits: Impacts of food availability on the density and colony expansion of prairie dog populations at their northern periphery
Lloyd, N., Moehrenschlager, A., Smith, D.H.V., and D. Bender
black-tailed prairie dog, density, population dynamics, food dynamics
Biological Conservation
“Words matter”. A response to Jorgensen’s treatment of historic range and definitions of reintroductions
Dalrymple, S. E. and A. Moehrenschlager
Restoration Ecology
Integrating biodiversity knowledge: toward a global map of life
Jetz, W., McPherson, J.M., and R.P. Guralnick
Opinion, biodiversity, spatial distribution
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Archive eggs: a research and management tool for avian conservation breeding
Smith, D.H.V., Moehrenschlager, A., Christensen, N., Knapik, D., Gibson, K., and S.J. Converse
Concentrations of 17 elements, including mercury, in the tissues, food, and abiotic environment of arctic shorebirds
Hagreaves, A.L., Whiteside, D.P., and G. Gilchrist
charadriiformes, heavy metals, red blood cells, bioconcentration factor, biomagnification factor
Science of the Total Environment
Armstrong, D.P., Seddon, P.J., and A. Moehrenschlager
Editors: Fath, B.D.
Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2nd edition, Vol. 1
Publisher: Oxford: Elsevier
Advances in Captive Breeding and Management
Black, SR, & Swan, KD
Editors: French J., Converse S., & J. Austin
Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation
Publisher: Academic Press
Release considerations and techniques to improve conservation translocation success
Moehrenschlager, A., and N. Lloyd
Editors: Jachowski, D.S., Millspaugh, J.J., Angermeier,P., Slotow, R.
Reintroduction of Fish and Wildlife Populations
Publisher: University of California Press
Reintroduction of the northern leopard frog (Lithobates pipiens) in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
Randall, L., Kendell, K., Govindarajulu, P., Houston, B., Ohanjanian, P., and A. Moehrenschlager
Editors: Soorae, P.
Global reintroductions perspectives 2016: Case-studies from around the globe
Publisher: IUCN Press
Righting past wrongs and ensuring the future: challenges and opportunities for effective reintroductions amidst a biodiversity crisis
Moehrenschlager, A., Shier, D., Moorehouse, T., and M. Stanley-Price
Editors: D.W. Macdonald
Key Topics in Conservation Biology, Volume 2
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell Press
Ten years of adaptive community-governed conservation:evaluating biodiversity protection and poverty alleviation in a West African hippopotamus reserve
Sheppard, D. J., A. Moehrenschlager, J. M. McPherson, and J. J. Mason
Environmental Conservation
Using decision analysis to determine the feasibility of a conservation translocation
Laura M. Keating, Lea Randall, Rebecca Stanton, Casey McCormack, Michael Lucid, Travis Seaborn, Sarah J. Converse, Stefano Canessa, Axel Moehrenschlager
Prioritizing species conservation programs based on IUCN Green Status and estimates of cost-sharing potential
Natasha A. Lloyd, Laura M. Keating, Alyssa J. Friesen, Dylan M. Cole, Jana M. McPherson, H. Resit Akçakaya, Axel Moehrenschlager
conservation translocation, benefits-to-cost ratio, IUCN Green Status, structured decision-making
Conservation Biology
Genetic analysis reveals hidden threats and new motivation for conservation translocation of black-tailed prairie dogs at the northern limit of their range
C.I. Cullingham, T.R. Stephens, K.D. Swan, S.C. Wilson, J.K. Janes, M.R. Matchett, R. Griebel, A. Moehrenschlager
Regionally unique ant assemblages associated with community-based conservation in northwestern Ghana
Christine E. Sosiak, Robert W. Longair, Tungbani Issahaku Agba, Donna J. Sheppard, Jana M. McPherson, James R. N. Glasier, Axel Moehrenschlager
Community-based conservation, floodplain, formicidae, riparian forest, savannah, Wechiau Community Hippo Sanctuary, West Africa
Losing lemurs: Declining populations and land cover changes over space and time
Pamela R. Narváez-Torres, Nicola K. Guthrie, Typhenn A. Brichieri-Colombi, Cressant P. Razafindravelo, Zachary S. Jacobson, Fredo Tera, Daniel V. Rafidimanana, Zé-Elinah Rahasivelo, Melody A. Petersen, Hasinala Ramangason, Lea Randall, Jana M. McPherson, Cynthia L. Frasier, Axel Moehrenschlager, Sheila M. Holmes, Edward E. Louis Jr., Steig E. Johnson
Visualizing the risk landscape to adaptively increase post-release survival of translocated Galliformes
Shelley L. Nelson, D. Joanne Saher, John Huang, Donald T. McKinnon, Amelia Coleing, Ilsa A. Griebel, Troy I. Wellicome, Axel Moehrenschlager, Julie A. Heinrichs
Report prepared by Centre for Conservation Research, Calgary Zoological Society
A horizon scan of biological conservation issues for 2025
William J. Sutherland, Peter N. M. Brotherton, Holly M. Butterworth, Stewart J. Clarke, Tammy E. Davies, Nigel Doar, Nafeesa Esmail, Erica Fleishman, Kevin J. Gaston, James E. Herbert-Read, Alice C. Hughes, Jonathan Hughes, Hermanni Kaartokallio, Lian Pin Koh, Ritesh Kumar, Fiona A. Lickorish, Hannah Littler, James E. Palardy, James W. Pearce-Higgins, Lloyd S. Peck, Nathalie Pettorelli, Jules Pretty, Irene R. Schloss, Mark D. Spalding, Dirk ten Brink, Eleanor R. Tew, Anastasiya Timoshyna, Nicolas Tubbs, James E.M. Watson Jonathan Wentworth, Jeremy D. Wilson and Ann Thornton
Biodiversity, global, Delphi-style, step-change
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
A horizon scan of global biological conservation issues for 2024
William J. Sutherland, Craig Bennett, Peter N.M. Brotherton, Stuart H.M. Butchart, Holly M. Butterworth, Stewart J. Clarke, Nafeesa Esmail, Erica Fleishman, Kevin J. Gaston, James E. Herbert-Read, Alice C. Hughes, Jennifer James, Hermanni Kaartokallio, Xavier Le Roux, Fiona A. Lickorish, Sarah Newport, James E. Palardy, James W. Pearce-Higgins, Lloyd S. Peck, Nathalie Pettorelli, Richard B. Primack, Willow E. Primack, Irene R. Schloss, Mark D. Spalding, Dirk ten Brink, Eleanor Tew, Anastasiya Timoshyna, Nicolas Tubbs, James E.M. Watson, Jonathan Wentworth, Jeremy D. Wilson, Ann Thornton
A global biological conservation horizon scan of issues for 2023
William J. Sutherland, Craig Bennett, Peter N.M. Brotherton, Holly M. Butterworth, Mick N. Clout, Isabelle M. Côté, Jason Dinsdale, Nafeesa Esmail, Erica Fleishman, Kevin J. Gaston, James E. Herbert-Read, Alice Hughes, Hermanni Kaartokallio, Xavier Le Roux, Fiona A. Lickorish, Wendy Matcham, Noor Noor, James E. Palardy, James W. Pearce-Higgins, Lloyd S. Peck, Nathalie Pettorelli, Jules Pretty, Richard Scobey, Mark D. Spalding, Femke H. Tonneijck, Nicolas Tubbs, James E.M. Watson, Jonathan E. Wentworth, Jeremy D. Wilson, Ann Thornton
Biodiversity, futures, environmental, Delphi
Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Whole-genome evaluation of genetic rescue: the case of a curiously isolated and endangered butterfly
Zachary G. MacDonald, Julian R. Dupuis, James R. N. Glasier, Robert Sissons, Axel Moehrenschlager, H. Bradley Shaffer, Felix A. H. Sperling